The I2MTC 2022 Conference will provide a rich forum for the dissemination of the latest research and ideas in a wide range of instrumentation and measurement technology areas. As the flagship conference of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society, the conference is keen to disseminate state-of-the-art knowledge on specialist and ‘hot’ topics related to the theme of the conference through dedicated Special Sessions.
We welcome the submission of proposals for such Special Sessions for the I2MTC 2022 Conference.
Guidelines for Special Session Proposers
The Special Sessions should provide the conference attendees with an insight view of research topics that are not covered by the regular tracks. They can also be focused on particular research niches within the greater topic of a regular track; however, it is important that such sessions offer sufficient diversity from the main topic. Therefore, the proposers are invited to highlight the difference between the contents of their submission and the regular tracks.
The Special Session organizers are encouraged to solicit an invited paper/presentation to open the Special Session, though this is optional. Having an invited paper/presentation will help to attract more interest, hence it is strongly encouraged. A Special Session can be one of the following:
(a) Special Session with invited presentation
The organizers invite a leading researcher in the topic of the Special Session who provides an oral presentation at the start of the Special Session. The organizers provide the name of the presenter together with an email confirming their acceptance and an abstract. No full paper is requested, nor will the abstract be published in IEEE Xplore.
(b) Special Session with invited paper
The organizers invite a leading researcher in the topic of the Special Session who provides an oral presentation at the start of the Special Session. The organizers provide the name of the presenter together with an e-mail confirming their acceptance. The presenter, together with possible co-authors, prepares a full paper and submits to the IEEE I2MTC conference by the stipulated deadline. The paper will be peer-reviewed and must reflect an innovation providing a significant novelty to the state-of-the-art in its (sub)field. The paper, if accepted and presented, will be published in IEEE Xplore.
Note: An invited paper/presentation can be allocated a double time slot; however, this must be first discussed with the Special Session Co-Chairs and/or the Technical Program Co-Chairs.
(c) Special Session without invited paper/presentation.
An invited paper/presentation is not compulsory for a Special Session. A Special Session without invited paper/presentation can be a collection of submitted papers (oral and poster) on a special topic. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Those which are accepted and presented will be published in IEEE Xplore.
Note: No financial assistance is available from the conference to support the participation of the presenter of an invited paper/presentation. Such presenters will need to register and pay for the conference.
Special Session Proposal Contents
Special session proposals should be maximum of 2 pages and must address the items listed below:
Special Session Details
- Title of the Special Session
- Significance of the topic
- Special Session organizer’s name, affiliation and a short CV (3 pages max for CV)
Invited paper/presentation Details (optional)
- Title
- Authors and their affiliation
- Abstract
Please provide details of reviewers who may be able to help review papers for the proposed Special Session. A suitable list of willing reviewers (name, affiliation, e-mail) will be required, and should be provided by the Special Session organizer before the start of the review process.
(List of reviewers in Special Session proposal is optional at the time of submission.)
Special Session Proposal Timelines and Process
Proposal submission date: September 24, 2021
To submit a proposal for a Special Session, the Special Session organizer should send their proposal by e-mail to the three Special Session Co-Chairs.
Special Session Co-Chairs
Dr. Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, University of Ottawa ([email protected])
Dr. M. Shamim Hossain, King Saud University ([email protected])
Dr. Platon Sovilj, University of Novi Sad ([email protected])
General information
General queries related to the conference should be sent to Laura LeBlanc ([email protected]).